The Ultimate Indian Beauty Guide:

10 Tips for Glowing Skin
Coconut Oil
Use lukewarm coconut oil for skin brightening
Add ghee to your diet for glowing skin.
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and get radiant skin.
Use rosewater to tone and soothe the skin.
De-tan with tomatoes or oranges by rubbing the peels on the skin.
Practice yoga for natural glow by boosting blood circulation.
Balanced Diet
Keep your diet balanced by consuming proteins, vegetables, fruits, and essential vitamins.
Milk And Curd
Use milk or curd to moisturize and de-tan the skin.
Aloe Vera
Keep it glowing with aloe vera, which is known for its antioxidants and antibacterial properties.
Cucumber Face Mask
All you need to do is grate a cucumber and prepare a face mask by mixing it with yogurt