Natural Remedies for Pimple Treatment: What Really Works

Olive Oil
Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and can help moisturize the skin. Apply a small amount to the affected area as a natural moisturizer.
Lavender Oil
Lavender oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dilute it with a carrier oil and apply it to pimples.
Steam Bath
A steam bath can open up pores, making it easier to clean them. Gently steam your face over a bowl of hot water, covering your head with a towel.
Zinc is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can be taken as a supplement. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements
Proper Hygiene
Ensure your makeup brushes and pillowcases are clean. Avoid touching your face to prevent the spread of bacteria.
Avoid Overwashing
Overwashing your face can strip it of natural oils. Wash your face gently with a mild cleanser and avoid harsh scrubs
DIY Face Masks
Create homemade face masks with ingredients like yogurt, oatmeal or egg whites to soothe and cleanse the skin.
Clay Masks
Bentonite and kaolin clay masks can help draw out impurities from the skin and reduce oiliness.