This is the most popular flavor of ice cream in the world. It is made with vanilla extract and has a smooth and creamy texture
This is another popular flavor of ice cream. It is made with chocolate syrup or cocoa powder and can be dark, milk, or white chocolate.
This is a fruity flavor of ice cream that is made with strawberries. It can be either a light and refreshing sorbet or a richer and creamier ice cream.
Mint chocolate chip
This is a combination of chocolate and mint flavors. It is a popular flavor for adults and children alike.
It is made with coffee extract or coffee beans. It can be either a light and refreshing coffee sorbet.
This is a combination of three flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry.
Cookies and cream
This is a flavor that is made with chocolate ice cream and crushed cookies.
Peanut butter
It is made with peanut butter. It can be either a light and refreshing peanut butter sorbet.
This is a flavor that is made with Oreos. It is a popular flavor for adults and children alike